Work, Golf & Celebrate Life
Golf & Grill 2.0
Cool drinks and cool content
An event for all those who are interested in the topic of lawns, from hobby gardeners to greenkeepers in football clubs.
If you have always wanted to grow a real golf lawn, you have come to the right place.
Dr. Gunther Hardt, the "lawn guru" is a guest in this innovative format. A silent stage with live listening directly on the driving range of the Prenden Golf Club. You can listen comfortably with a drink in a deck chair or digitally live streamed on social media.
Club manager Marta Lusawa and Carolina Hinrichsen, podcast host of the ZUHAUSE BEI GOLFBLOCKS format, want to know exactly how it works. The audience also joins in the discussion.
28.06.2024, 5-8pm
Prenden Golf Course, Waldweg 3, 16341 Wandlitz
10 euros p. person

Short bio Dr. Gunther Hardt
Dr. Gunther Hardt was the first German expert for the construction and maintenance of golf courses in 2001 and works freelance in the field of “construction and maintenance of golf and sports turf”.
At DGV Management Consulting, he is actively involved in the project development for the GOLF&NATUR quality certificate and is also an active auditor in all issues. His clients include numerous golf courses in Germany and Switzerland.
From 1996 to 2020 he headed the DGV Environment & Course Maintenance Committee and from 2021 the DGV's newly founded Biodiversity Working Group. Here he is considered the initiator of biodiversity cooperation between the federal states' environmental ministries and the respective golf courses.
Last but not least, he is an enthusiastic recreational golfer.
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